Laser Hair Removal San Diego

Many people wish to remove body hair they consider troublesome or a cause of embarrassment. Advances in laser hair removal systems can permanently remove hair from the face, back, bikini line, and virtually any other area of the body. By using the light energy of a laser to disable the hair follicle, troubled areas of hair can become a thing of the past.

Cutera CoolGlide

The Cutera Coolglide is the best laser hair removal system on the market for all skin types and tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Its unique design, longer wavelength, and innovative cooling design, allow extremely effective, safe and permanent results.
The Cutera CoolGlide combines the ideal laser wavelength with the most flexible parameters to deliver a superior vascular laser system. It treats a broad range of vessels from tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly, safely, and effectively. Patients with dark, light or tanned skin can experience outstanding results with minimal bruising or blistering.

Solera ProWave

The ProWave hair removal system delivers a specially tailored light source for permanent hair reduction. Cutera’s newest hair removal innovation provides treatment for a wide range of skin types.  An additional patient benefit is the ability of the handpiece to treat large areas such as women’s legs and men’s backs – quickly and safely.